sábado, agosto 06, 2011

Stop the nagging start the bragging

Well, these past few months have been a test of my strength and will to survive. I’ve found it helpful to stop the nagging stop the complaining. When feeling like this, it's important to start doing what you want and need to do in your life. Few pointers on how to get to point nAgging to point Bragging:

1. Design and dream about the things in your life you want to change.
2. Make a list of the alternatives, think about the pros and cons, and pick one. If it doesn't work keep the list and after you've tried the first pick, pick another one, and so on, and so on.
3. Don't talk to every person you know about this, the time will come when you can share your ideas and plans. But for the most part people that love you will be scared of change, and people that just know you will reflect themselves at you, not being helpful at all. And there are a lot well meaning morons out there (like Alex McCord from NYC Housewives once said and wrote) don't listen to them.
4. Talk to people that can help: people doing what you want to do, people that are supportive and will give you honest and objective advice. I'm not saying don't tell your partner, or family but choose what you say and when you say it cause negativity can bring you down and stop you from starting your path.
5. Talk to yourself (I’m not crazy), check with yourself all the time to know how you're feeling in the process.
6. Start analyzing what happens around you: Doors that open, windows that give you exciting sneak peeks of what’s coming, people that lend a hand, a word, advice. When you start feeling that down this road you've chosen, all the lights turn green at the same time, it's a sign that this path you choose to change the nagging is positive and that life is giving you chances to do it.
7. I'm not saying that when a problem arises you should give up or change paths. It's just that when you're starting something and you have doubt whether it's right or not, it's useful to perceive what’s going on around you if things are developing, new opportunities are arising, and it feels right, you should probably go for it.
8. The feeling part it's a quality that takes practice no one knows when something feels right if they've never done something wrong, and thought to themselves did I feel this was wrong for me? Why didn't I listen to myself?. You learn how to listen to what’s happening around and inside you, that thermometer is the best measure always.

Hope to be bragging a little more. Anything that's causing grief, pain, desire for change is a message from life to help make a decision either to discard it or let it start a process for change. It's true that after the storm has passed you look back and you say... This wasn't such a big deal? Now how do I remind myself during the storm? It's a good question, does anyone have an idea?
